The affordable sports card for the Antwerp students and staff of

AP University College, Antwerp Maritime Academy, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, KdG University College,

KU Leuven Antwerp, Thomas More Antwerp & UAntwerp (+ alumni)


  • You have access to the sports offer for Antwerp students, from weekly yoga classes and basketball training to swimming lessons and introduction sessions.
  • You can participate in sports activities at various locations in Antwerp, whether close to or further from home.
  • You can rent sports halls and squash courts, either for free or at a reduced rate.
  • You get one free swim session at an Antwerp swimming pool of your choice.
  • Your sports card is valid for the entire academic year (from 1/7/2024 to 30/6/2025), including during exam periods and holidays.

SPORTS OFFER 2024-2025

1st semester: 30/9/2024 – 20/12/2024

2nd semester: 10/2/2025 – 16/5/2025

  • UAntwerpen Stadscampus
  • Karel de Grote Hogeschool Campus Zuid
  • UAntwerpen Campus Middelheim
  • Wilrijkse Pleinen
  • Sportoase Veldstraat
  • UAntwerp Campus Drie Eiken - only for Sportsticker+