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The ASL Badminton competition is a mixed competition in which teams of 2 or 3 players compete against each other. The competition is played during both the first and second semesters. Both student clubs and friend teams compete for the title(s).
Registrations for ASL Badminton are opened from 24/06/2024 until 11/10/2024. Register through this link.
After registrations close, we will contact the team manager to discuss the calendar. Teams will be divided as much as possible into pools with teams able to play at the same venues.
Matches will be played at one of these locations. Indicate your preferred locations when registering:
UAntwerp City Campus
Grote Kauwenberg 2
2020 Antwerp
UAntwerp Middelheim
Middelheimlaan 1
2020 Antwerp
KdG Sportshall Campus South
Brusselstraat 45
2018 Antwerp
Topsportschool Wilrijk (Fort VI)
Edegemsestraat 100
2610 Wilrijk
After registrations close, we will contact the team manager to discuss the calendar.
Please note: Schedule may vary according to school vacations and public holidays. Please check the sports schedule.
To keep up with the latest news and information about the sportlessons, you can always join the Facebook group Antwerp Students League and ASL Badminton.